Translations from Slovenian into Italian and English


I am a Slovenian native speaker specializing in the translation – from and into the Slovenian language – of texts from various sectors: technical, legal, financial, advertising, fiction and non-fiction literature etc.

 Translations from Slovenian into Italian and English


I have lived and worked in Italy as a professional translator since 2004, familiarising myself not only with the Italian language but also with various aspects of Italian culture that are often indispensable in making a correct translation.

 Translations from Slovenian into Italian and English


In addition to numerous technical manuals I have translated from English some well-known books, such as “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”, as well as some others by internationally renowned non-fiction authors.


I am a freelance translator, native speaker of Slovenian*, with extensive experience in technical and literary translation. I was born in Slovenia, Ljubljana, where I lived until completing secondary school. Then I studied Philosophy and Theology in Rome, where I graduated. Finally, I achieved a master’s degree in Personality Psychology at the University of Ljubljana. Since 1998 I have devoted myself to translating, which I perform with accuracy and precision. Since 2004 I have lived in Italy.

* “Slovenian” and “Slovene” are synonyms. It seems that the use of “Slovenian” is more common, though some authoritative dictionaries prefer “Slovene”.

I collaborate as a translator with several translation agencies and direct clients: companies, public bodies, publishing houses, private customers.

I offer translation services:

  • from Italian to Slovenian
  • from English to Slovenian
  • from Slovenian to Italian
  • from English to Italian

Associazione italiana traduttori ed interpreti

Because of the experience I have gained I am qualified for translation of texts of various kinds. On request I also perform the following services:

  • Editing and proofreading: a thorough check of translations done by other translators
  • Localization: a set of techniques aimed at making some product or text usable in a specific country or region, paying particular attention to cultural adaptation
  • Transcreation: creative translation, adaptation of a message (especially of advertising or promotional literature) to the target language and culture
  • Copywriting: creative writing of advertisements, articles, speeches, press releases etc., according to the client’s needs and requirements
  • Voice-over

Qualified member of the Italian Association of Translators and Interpreters (AITI) since 2012
Qualified member of the Association of Scientific and Technical Translators of Slovenia since 2004
Qualified member of the Slovenian Association of Literary Translators since 2009

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